Na sociedade da comunica
Dom Rafael Llano Cifuentes fala da educação afetiva e sexual
Michael Jackson é acusado de abuso de menor
O cantor americano Michael Jackson se entregou hoje a pol
Campanha da Fraternidade 2.004
Entre os dias 05 e 07 de dezembro, a Arquidiocese de Montes Claros realiza encontro de forma
42 crianças são atendidas pela Escolinha das Artes
Missa será celbrada com hino mais antigo do Oriente
O Bispo Auxiliar Dom Dominique You preside Celebra
Percentual do reajuste ainda não está decidio
O secret
Papa fala aos imigrantes
O Papa Jo
Escritora lança livro neste sábado
Neste s
What does the Catechism tells about...
The unity of marriage, distinctly recognized by our Lord, is made clear in the equal personal dignity which must be accorded to man and wife in mutual and unreserved affection.” Polygamy is contrary to conjugal love which is undivided and...
Religious freedom...
In an address to the United Nations, the Holy See has highlighted the violation of the fundamental human right of religious freedom in many countries and stressed its damaging effect on peace. Archbishop Celestino Migliore, permanent observer of the Holy...
Catholics are united with Muslim
The Catholic Church in Australia has marked the Islamic holy month of Ramadan by sending prayerful greetings to Muslims and reaffirming a shared commitment to peace, built on the four pillars of truth, justice, love and freedom. A media release...