Catholic Priest Exhorts Faithful to Cultivate Love

Priest Gino Favro, of Sao Paulo Parish, in Luanda, encouraged today faifthfuls to cultivate the spirit of love and solidarity in communion with Christ, so as to establish union and harmony among people.

Speaking during the homily, the priest considered necessary that be cultivated the love and solidarity in the communities for the construction of a better society, without hate, cruelty, jealousy and injustices.

“Only with love and faith can we transform the hearts of people and create a better society”, he said.

Priest Gino Favro also exhorted faithfuls, specially to the young ones, to look to sexual practices more seriously, by having only one partner, in a way to prevent from sexually transmitted diseases, instead of the use of condom, which encourages them to have different partners.

The Catholic Church celebrates today the sixth Sunday of Easter, period in which is commemorated the rising of Christ from the grave.

source: Angola press

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